Marilyn Gardner Milton


About Marilyn Gardner Milton

Marilyn Gardner Milton’s career in education began when she entered college. Her first steps towards this career choice were accomplished when she graduated from the University of Connecticut with her Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Education. After finishing her time at UConn, she continued her education by splitting her Masters of Education (M.Ed) between Boston State College and Framingham State University, both based in and around the Boston, Massachusetts area. In 1987 Marilyn finished the journey to earn her Ph.D. She graduated from Boston College with her Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Supervision as well as a minor in Computer Science. While both degrees would be of great use in her future, Marilyn wasn’t quite done yet. She finished her education by getting her Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from Suffolk University Law school, where she was also awarded the American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence: Commercial Law.

In 1985 Marilyn Gardner Milton made her first foray into the world of distance learning administration, as well as the first of her roles consulting. She became the Executive Consultant for The Center for Educational Leadership and Technology and held that position until 1995. In 1994 Marilyn became the Executive Director and the Director of Education at the Boston, Massachusetts based Computer Museum, a position she held until 1997. In 2006 she became Director of Business Development for the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), a position she holds to this day.

In 1997 Marilyn began her career in the administration of higher education institutes. She was appointed to be the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for the Massachusetts Communications College and the New England Institute of Art. In 2001 she became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for Bay State College and in 2006 she became a Program Professor and Education Enterprise Associate for Nova Southeastern University, one of the largest non-profit accredited universities in the country. A position she holds to this day.

Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Academics Define Your Worth

Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Academics Define Your Worth

Grades, tests, and college applications can dominate your high school experience, creating immense pressure. It’s easy to feel your worth hinges on those A’s and perfect scores. But here’s the truth: your academic performance is just one facet of who you are and certainly doesn’t define your entire value.

Consider it – your unique talents, passions, and experiences set you apart. Maybe you’re a creative artist whose paintings hold stories grades can’t express. Perhaps you’re a natural leader who inspires others on the soccer field. Maybe you volunteer at an animal shelter, showing incredible compassion. These qualities contribute significantly to who you are and deserve recognition just as much as your academic achievements.

Here’s the key: embrace a growth mindset. Focus on learning and improvement, not just the result. Celebrate your “aha!” moments, the times you persevere through challenges, and the new skills you acquire. This learning journey truly defines you, not just the final grade.

Remember, colleges look for well-rounded individuals. They value your extracurricular activities, community involvement, and the unique perspective you bring. So, don’t let a bad grade or a setback define you. Learn from it, pick yourself up, and strive to be your best self – academically and beyond.

Here are some ways to find worth outside of academics:

  • Pursue your passions: Explore hobbies, artistic endeavours, or sports that spark joy.
  • Volunteer in your community: Give back and positively impact the world around you.
  • Develop your social skills: Build strong relationships with friends and family.
  • Challenge yourself outside your comfort zone: Try new things and discover hidden talents.

Focusing on these aspects will cultivate a sense of self-worth beyond grades and test scores. You are a complex and valuable individual, and your worth shines brightly in all you do.

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome in College

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome in College

It is common for people in a range of situations to have the nagging suspicion that they don’t truly deserve the success they have achieved. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as imposter syndrome and can be particularly common among college students. If you or someone you know is dealing with these feelings, the following tips can help resolve the issue quickly and effectively.

Be Open and Honest

The knowledge of knowing that imposter syndrome is quite widespread can provide the comfort necessary to share those feelings with those around you. Whether it is a counselor, a close friend, a family member, or any trusted confidante, the first step toward eradicating feelings of inadequacy before they can disrupt the college experience.

Don’t Forget Your Accomplishments

When struggling with imposter syndrome in college, students can often look at other people who seem to have more going for them and start feeling as though their own accomplishments don’t measure up. While a healthy sense of motivation to be a leader can be a potential benefit in the long run, it is important for any student to avoid letting the desire to keep up with someone else eclipse their own unique talents and skills.

Learn From Mistakes

The old adage advises us that nobody’s perfect, so it should be acceptable to make a mistake every once in a while. When those errors or lapses in judgment inevitably occur, it can trigger symptoms of imposter syndrome. By building the positive habits required to learn from mistakes instead of being sidetracked by them, however, it is much easier to move on and grow. 

Keep Things in Perspective

Some people are constantly preoccupied with the next step in a process instead of focusing on the big picture. This can increase the chances of becoming discouraged if a particular aspect goes awry – whether it is the student’s fault or not. By keeping the proper outlook and moving incrementally toward a major goal, however, those small roadblocks and hurdles will seem far less daunting for students experiencing imposter syndrome.

How to Tell If a Graduate Program Is Right For You

How to Tell If a Graduate Program Is Right For You

Choosing a graduate program is a significant decision that can shape your career trajectory and academic journey. With various options available, it’s essential to discern whether a particular graduate program aligns with your goals, preferences, and aspirations. Here are critical indicators to help you determine if a graduate program is the right fit for you:

  1. Clear Alignment with Career Goals: A graduate program should be a stepping stone toward your career aspirations. Evaluate whether the program’s curriculum, specialization options and resources align with your professional goals. Consider how the program integrates practical experiences, internships, or research opportunities that can enhance your skill set and prepare you for your desired career path.
  2. Faculty Expertise and Mentorship: The faculty within a graduate program plays a pivotal role in your academic and professional development. Assess the faculty members’ expertise, research interests, and industry connections. Look for programs emphasizing mentorship, as having supportive and knowledgeable mentors can significantly impact your academic success and provide valuable guidance as you navigate your chosen field.
  3. Program Reputation and Accreditation: Research the reputation of the graduate program and the institution offering it. Accreditation from relevant accrediting bodies is critical to ensuring the program meets established quality standards. Investigate the program’s track record, success stories of alumni, and any accolades or recognitions the program has received. A strong reputation and accreditation add credibility to your academic qualifications.
  4. Flexibility and Support Services: Consider the flexibility and support services offered by the graduate program. Life is dynamic, and balancing academics with personal and professional commitments is essential. Look for programs that offer flexible scheduling, online options, or part-time enrollment to accommodate various lifestyles. Additionally, assess the availability of support services, such as career counseling, academic advising, and networking opportunities, which contribute to a well-rounded educational experience.
  5. Financial Considerations: Evaluating the financial aspects of a graduate program is crucial. Consider tuition costs, available scholarships, and potential funding opportunities. Calculate the return on investment by weighing the program’s cost against the possible career advancement and earning potential it offers. Additionally, assess the availability of research or teaching assistantships that may provide financial support while offering valuable hands-on experience.

Selecting the right graduate program requires careful consideration and self-reflection. By assessing the alignment with your career goals, the expertise of the faculty, the program’s reputation, flexibility, and financial considerations, you can make an informed decision that sets the stage for a rewarding academic and professional journey. Remember that the perfect graduate program is not a one-size-fits-all scenario, so take the time to evaluate your priorities and find the program that resonates with your aspirations and values.