A college education is a necessity to earn a comfortable income. Unfortunately, some students struggle with the idea that college is way too expensive. Most of the students, who come from low-income backgrounds, are tempted to get a job in the workforce directly after high school, but there are other options. Here are five organizations that are helping low-income students and students of color afford to go to college:

The Education Trust seeks to help all students achieve their academic goals. They appeal specifically to those who are impoverished and students of color. Their goal is to help strengthen America and protect our democracy through education. The program solicits the help of community leaders, policymakers, parents, and civic leaders to close the opportunity gaps.

College Possible assists with coaching, motivation, and encouraging scholars that want to reach high levels of educational achievement. College Possible focuses on students with underserved backgrounds and their goal is to show these pupils that college is an attainable goal. College Possible has a 98% acceptance rate of scholars who are accepted into college who are also 3 times as likely to earn a degree when compared to their peers.

The National College Access Network (NCAN) strives to close equity gaps so that a college education is an achievable goal for all students. NCAN attracts students of color who come from low-income backgrounds. They have a unique program that helps scholars mentally prepare for life in college and career readiness. It teaches skills like critical thinking, communication, social and emotional learning, and problem-solving.

Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS) uses communication to push students academically by hosting events where high school teachers discuss educational goals one-on-one. Their primary goal is to assist over 2000 impoverished students and students of color in the Bay Area. EOS is working towards accomplishing these goals with its partnership with Google.org’s Rising Stem Scholar’s Initiative program. The program provides students access to peer-to-peer support groups and high-quality resources such as 3-D printers.

Obtaining a college education becomes more feasible when students elicit help from these groups. Each program was designed to help create a better future for aspiring college students. These organizations offer different ways and distinctive resources mainly for underprivileged students of color.