Tips for Getting the Most Out of Distance Learning

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Distance Learning

Before the rise of technology, getting a college degree required taking in-person classes. This method was often challenging for working professionals and those with different schedules. With the increasing number of degree programs that allow for online learning,...
Popular Education Podcasts For Teachers

Popular Education Podcasts For Teachers

Podcasts are all the rage nowadays, and whether you’re looking to be entertained or you’re looking to learn something new, there’s bound to be a podcast about it. Education in particular has a lot of podcasts out there that discuss the latest trends...
How Teachers Can Prepare For A New School Year

How Teachers Can Prepare For A New School Year

Another year of school is here. Whether you’re a first-time teacher or an experienced one with years under your belt, every year comes with new problems. It’s practically impossible to be fully prepared for what will happen over the course of the school...
Should You Attend A Community College or a University?

Should You Attend A Community College or a University?

The choice between attending a community college or a university depends on many factors, such as your plan for higher education and the requirements for admission. Despite the advantages of community colleges, many students still prefer to attend 4-year universities....
How does Education Affect Poverty?

How does Education Affect Poverty?

A poor family is a family that has little or no access to basic resources. When one is born into a family that is deprived of basic amenities that include, education, they enter into the cycle of poverty that can affect several other forthcoming generations. This lack...