As all parts of the world continues to advance and modernize, albeit at different speeds, the importance of education is becoming stronger and stronger. This emphasis on education isn’t just limited to modern countries with first world utilities either; third world countries with booming economies and rapid growth are possibly even more in need of educated people to take control of these new economies and guide them towards financial success. While primary education is quickly on the rise in developing countries (due to it being that much more accessible to people than it once was), the education gap really kicks off when it comes to both the levels of individual attainment as well as simply how many years of schooling people have.
Unfortunately, as it stands, most developing countries have reached education and achievement levels that the west had reached around 100 years ago. If the current attitude towards global education continues on the path that it’s currently going down, this gap will never decrease and the world will constantly be faced with differing levels of education in different countries. While this doesn’t necessarily sound like the worst thing in the world, countries are becoming more and more interconnected as technology continues to advance and put everyone in closer and closer contact with each other. This means that this education gap might very well cause problems as economies become more and more reliant and involved with these developing countries; having a lack of highly educated and trained people could put strain on delicate economic ties.
So how can this massive problem be tackled? The first thing that needs to happen is a global shift in attitudes towards education. While this is already beginning to happen, many people around the world get distracted from their educations by family or societal pressure that can spring from both cultural and economic sources. The ability to take time away from one’s family and livelihood is necessary to achieve any sort of educational standard and so more emphasis needs to be placed on programs the promote and reward educational attainment and make it possible for people to take time away from their jobs so they can get educated. While this is easier said than done and only a start to addressing the century-long education gap, it’s still a start. Even a marathon can be completed with baby steps, you just need to get started.
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