College Sexual Assaults Are Finally Being Taken Seriously.

There’s no denying that one of the largest failings of our entire educational system in the recent years has been the failure to enforce punishment against sexual crimes and the complete lack of care and understand for the victims who are usually forced to...

Higher Education for Wives Doesn’t Lead To Divorce

A new study has been released that will finally put that pesky “educating women leads to divorce” argument that has apparently been raging unbeknownst to the majority of the country. While the study only looks at trends in marriage, it has come to the...

Colleges Might Soon Experience Some “Tough Love”

It is no secret that the United States are quickly falling behind when it comes to international educational standards. We have been consistently slipping in basically every category as other countries overtake us in humanities, math, and the sciences. It seems as...

Classroom Creativity is Dying

There is no denying that one of the most hated educational practices is that of standardized tests. While they are certainly an important tool to help differentiate between students, there is also something incredibly depressing about a test that is so uninteresting....

Agents of Educational Recruitment

When people think of agents recruiting for a cause they usually think of profession or college athletic teams, military branches, or some sort of occupation where people need to be coerced into joining. What many people don’t think of is actually one of the most...